Restorative Dentistry
Keeping your teeth strong and healthy is always our goal at myDental. Our dentists are highly experienced in all aspects of restorative dentistry. If the condition of your teeth has been compromised due to infection or decay, we can restore the health and beauty of your smile.
If you have missing, decayed, or damaged teeth call myDental today. Our dentists can restore your smile and confidence. When you come in for a consultation, we’ll perform a comprehensive exam, discuss your options, and recommend the optimal treatment for you. Call one of our convenient locations today and schedule an appointment at the location nearest you, or use our online appointment request form.
Fillings are used to restore teeth that have been compromised by cavities. After a cavity is removed, they fill in the opening and prolong the life of your natural teeth. Restorative dentistry at myDental is a mercury-free. We use only composite resin fillings rather than conventional amalgams made of metals such as silver and mercury. Composite resins are tooth-colored fillings that are barely noticeable. Traditional metal fillings can actually reduce the strength of your teeth by up to 50 percent, whereas composite resin fillings can strengthen your teeth. If you have silver fillings, we can remove and replace them with tooth-colored restorations.
Inlays and Onlays
If a tooth has mild to moderate decay or is cracked or fractured but not to the extent that you need a crown, then our dentists will often use an inlay or onlay to correct the damage. A dental inlay is similar to a filling and fits inside the cusp tips (top edges) of the tooth. A dental onlay is more extensive and extends over the cusps of the treated tooth. Inlays and onlays can be made of porcelain, gold, or composite resin. The procedure requires two appointments. At the first one, our dentist will remove the damaged or decaying area of the tooth and make an impression of the tooth to send to a lab for fabrication of the inlay or onlay. Our restorative dentistry technicians will apply a temporary sealant until your next appointment. At the second appointment, our dentist will remove the sealant, fit the inlay or onlay, bond it to the tooth with a strong resin, and polish it.
Bonding is a quick, effective solution for chipped, cracked, stained, or discolored teeth. Bonding can also fix gaps between teeth. An alternative to veneers, bonding can significantly improve the appearance of a tooth. A resin that is specially matched to the shade of your teeth helps to reshape them for a more uniform appearance. After the tooth is prepared, our dentist will apply the resin, sculpt it into the desired shape, and cure it with a special blue light to ensure it stays in place.
Crowns are used to repair severe dental problems, such as broken or missing teeth. Crowns are also used to replace old, large, broken fillings, to support bridgework, or as the last step of a root canal.
At myDental, our dentists use porcelain or porcelain bonded-to-gold crowns to restore your tooth’s strength and beauty.
Fitting a crown requires at least two visits to our office. At the first visit, the dentist will remove decay, make an impression of the tooth to send to a lab for fabrication of the crown, prepare the tooth for crown placement, and fit it with a temporary crown of either plastic or metal. On your next visit, we will remove the temporary crown, fit and adjust the final crown, and cement it into place.
If you are missing one or more teeth, our dentists may recommend a fixed bridge, which is a prosthesis of artificial teeth that fills the gap between missing teeth. A fixed bridge is permanently attached to the natural teeth on either side of the gap for a seamless, natural-looking smile.
It takes two to three appointments to complete the bridge procedure. At the first visit, our dentist will prepare the teeth and make an impression to send to the lab for fabrication of the bridge. False teeth replace those that are missing while crowns are cemented onto the natural teeth to provide support for the bridge.
Dental implants are a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth. Implants can also be used to support a bridge and eliminate the need for a removable partial denture or provide support for a denture, making it more secure and comfortable.
Dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Not only do they restore function and balance to your bite, but they also restore your smile and confidence. Implants last a lifetime and require no special care other than brushing and flossing.
During this procedure, metal anchors are surgically placed in the jawbone. After a healing phase, our dentist will insert a post into the anchor and attach your artificial tooth (crown) or denture to the post.
Dental implants require healthy gums and bones to support the metal anchor. Our dentists will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate for implants.
Removable Dentures
myDental offers both partial and complete removable dentures as a restorative dentistry solution for missing teeth. Dentures are removable artificial teeth that are custom-made in a dental lab based on impressions of your teeth, gums, and jaws. They are made to match the color of your teeth and gums to provide a natural-looking smile.
Dentures restore your ability to eat and speak. Complete dentures are appropriate for people who have lost all of their teeth on their upper or lower jaws, while partial dentures are suitable for those who have lost only a few teeth. Partial dentures are held in place by attachments to nearby natural teeth that are typically crowned to increase stability.
Endodontics / Non-surgical Root Canal
A root canal is a natural cavity within the center of a tooth that contains nerves and pulp. If the pulp becomes infected by an untreated cavity, a root canal procedure is performed to repair and save decayed and infected teeth that would have been extracted otherwise.
During a root canal, the tooth’s nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form.