How to Get Rid of Gingivitis Safely

Close up shot of gum inflammation. Cropped shot of a young woman showing red bleeding gums isolated on a gray background. Dentistry, dental care

Even though gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease, it’s important that you take fast action to clear up the problem and avoid more serious consequences in the future. If your gums are bleeding, tender, and swollen, then the best thing you can do is talk to a dentist as soon as possible. Early intervention is the optimal solution for minimizing long-term damage and the need for more invasive treatments.

Not only can in-office treatments be helpful if you want to know how to get rid of gingivitis safely, but it’s also critical that you are implementing at-home habits to protect your teeth and gums. Consistency with brushing and flossing is the foundation to clear up gingivitis and prevent recurrence.

The 4 Stages of Gum Disease

Just because you have gum disease, doesn’t mean that you are going to have serious consequences. The truth is that there are 4 stages of gum disease, and gingivitis is the earliest phase. Here is the typical progression of gum disease:

1.Gingivitis: In the beginning stages, you are experiencing some gum irritation and you might notice symptoms such as bleeding and a little bit of pain. Typically, the symptoms in this stage are so mild that most people don’t notice an issue. But your dentist and dental hygienist will likely diagnose this early stage of gum disease when you go in for a routine examination and cleaning.
2.Early Periodontal Disease: If gingivitis is left untreated, then it can move into early periodontal disease. The symptoms start to intensify and might include gaps in the gums between the teeth or black spots on the gums. You might have pain when chewing your food or notice that some of your teeth are starting to loosen a little bit. This type of gum disease can be treated and managed, but it is starting to cause irreversible damage.
3.Moderate Periodontal Disease: Now that the gum disease is continuing to progress, the symptoms will continue worsening. The damage to the gums and bones gets worse, increasing the risk of tooth loss. Most patients experience noticeable discomfort while chewing.
4.Advanced Periodontal Disease: The risk of tooth loss is the highest in this advanced stage of gum disease. At this point, some or all of the teeth may be beyond the point of being saved. Not only will the dental team be working to clear up the infection, but they will also be talking to you about restorative dentistry options, such as implants and/or dentures.

As you can see, gum disease can turn into a serious issue if left untreated. The ideal solution is to prevent gum disease or catch it in the early gingivitis stage. The sooner you start treatment, the better chance you have of avoiding bigger problems in the coming months and years.

How Long Does Gingivitis Take to Clear Up?

If you are proactive with your dental care, then it’s common for gingivitis to clear up within 10 – 14 days. Make sure you are not only brushing, but also flossing at least once a day. You might consider using mouthwash after brushing and flossing to help kill the bacteria that are causing these gum disease problems.

The real issues develop when gingivitis is left untreated. As the infection progresses, it eventually turns into a more serious form of gum disease known as periodontitis. How long does it take for gingivitis to turn into periodontitis? From the earliest stage of gingivitis, it can take a few months or a few years for periodontitis to develop. Many different patient factors can contribute, such as the person’s overall health and their daily habits.

Timing matters. Gingivitis is relatively easy to treat, but the treatments become much more complicated and expensive if gum disease progresses into periodontitis.

Can I Reverse Gingivitis on My Own?

There are several things that you can do at home. If you want to know how to get rid of gingivitis, then follow these steps:

  • Brush Twice a Day: How do you get rid of gingivitis? Be thorough about your brushing, making sure to focus on the gum line. The goal is to remove all of the plaque and gum-disease causing bacteria.
  • Floss Once a Day: When you are brushing, also maintain the habit of flossing once a day – ideally at night before going to bed. Standard, waxed floss is the best solution. But if you need an alternative, then talk to your dentist about water flossing.
  • Maintain Dental Cleanings: Be consistent about visiting your dentist for cleanings every six months. If you have early stage gum disease, then your dentist might recommend more frequent cleanings. For example, you might need to visit the dentist every 3 months until the symptoms subside.
  • Manage Your Diet: Stay away from inflammatory foods that can cause dental issues, such as processed treats with added sugar. Instead, prioritize fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats.
  • Stay Away from Tobacco: The use of cigarettes, vaping, cigars, and other tobacco products can irritate the gums and contribute to the development of gum disease. Quit as soon as possible.
  • Managing Overall Health: Did you know that other health issues can increase the likelihood of gum disease? For example, if you have diabetes, then it’s essential to balance your blood sugar levels because they can contribute to the progression of your dental issues.

What if you are following these tips and you still have gum disease issues? You might be asking your dentist: why do I have gingivitis even with good hygiene, and what is the gingivitis cure? There could be other factors at play that increase your risk, such as family history, medications, or hormonal changes.

Call Our Team: How to Get Rid of Gingivitis Fast

In addition to your at-home habits, you can learn how to cure gingivitis fast by working with our team for professional treatments. We invite you to discover our preventive dental services.

At myDental is here to help with all of your dental needs. We offer family-friendly general dentistry services, as well as restorative and cosmetic treatments. When you are ready to talk to an experienced dentist, then book an appointment at one of our locations. Call at your convenience to learn more about our services.