How a Dental Check-Up Can Set You Up for a Healthier Year Ahead

Not only is a dental checkup important for maintaining good oral health, but these appointments can also play a role in protecting your overall health. When you visit the dentist for your checkup, our team will look for potential issues that might need to be treated, such as cavities, gum disease, and even serious health conditions.

If you are focused on maintaining your best health possible this year, then make sure that you have two appointments on the calendar for a general dental check-up. The general recommendation is that most patients should visit the dentist every six months for a cleaning and examination.

What Does a Full Dental Exam Include?

If you schedule a routine dental check-up, then it will include comprehensive services to protect your teeth and gums. This process includes multiple steps:

  • Diagnosing any cavities and tooth decay
  • Assessing gum health
  • Screening for oral cancer
  • Digital imaging to evaluate overall dental structure
  • Professional teeth cleaning for plaque and tartar removal

Additionally, you will receive personalized recommendations for any treatments or services that might be needed in the future. Regular appointments make it possible to identify potential issues in the earliest stages. Then, we can take a proactive approach to help you avoid the need for more intensive or invasive treatments later on.

The Best Timing for Scheduling a Routine Dental Check-Up

Should you have a dental check-up once a year? While some people think it’s sufficient to have an annual dental check-up, the reality is that you should be going every six months. Some patients with higher risk factors, such as people with active gum disease, might need to visit the dentist a little more frequently.

So, the truth is that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer if you are asking, “how often do you really need a dental checkup?” The best thing you can do is consult with your dentist to determine the ideal frequency based on your unique needs.

The Potential Risks of Skipping Your Dental Health Check Up

You are consistent about brushing and flossing, and it seems like your oral health is good overall. It might be tempting to let your dental checkup fall to the back burner. But the reality is that regular checkups are important, even if you think that you have good oral health.

Is it OK to not go to the dentist for a year? No, we don’t recommend it. Skipping these appointments can result in a variety of complications, such as:

  • Undiagnosed cavities that get worse
  • Gum disease that spreads and causes gum recession
  • Missed oral cancer, which can spread to other parts of the body eventually
  • Higher costs in the long run
  • More invasive dental treatments in the future

Shift your mindset to think about regular dental checkups as a preventive strategy to protect your health. Not only can potential dental issues be treated in the earliest stages, but it’s a more cost-effective approach. Early interventions are much cheaper and less painful than the major dental work that will be necessary if you delay the treatments.

Benefits of a Regular Dental Health Check-Up

Researchers have found that oral health conditions can increase the risk of serious health complications, such as heart disease, diabetes, and pregnancy complications. The more we learn about the link between oral and systemic health, the more important it becomes to maintain consistency with your exam and cleaning schedule. Protecting your oral health can have a positive impact on protecting your overall health at the same time.

Some of the benefits of dental check-ups include:

  • Early Detection: During the appointment, we will identify all dental issues in the earliest stages. Our dental team will spot signs of cavities, gum disease, and oral infections. You’ll receive a clear diagnosis and available treatment options.
  • Professional Cleaning: Even if you brush daily, it’s common for plaque and tartar to build up over time. We can clean your teeth to remove the buildup, which helps to reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Less Invasive Treatments: If any dental issues are identified during the appointment, then we can help with minimally-invasive treatments that are less painful and cheaper overall.
  • Better Gum Health: Regular checkups are important for protecting your gum health to reduce the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis. It’s critical that you are maintaining good gum health since it provides a stable foundation to hold your teeth in place.
  • Personalized Advice: During the appointment, you have the opportunity to talk to our team for information about at-home oral health tips you can follow. We provide our patients with customized education and information to help each person maintain the best oral health possible.
  • Save Money: Most dental insurance providers offer full coverage for dental checkups, which means you have minimal out-of-pocket costs. If you skip the checkup and decay or gum disease progresses, then you might be spending more money in the future for more intensive and expensive treatments.

Call Our Pro Team for Your Dental Checkup Appointment

Is it time to visit a dentist for your checkup and cleaning? For more information about dental checkups and general care, check out our preventive dentistry services.

myDental is always here to help, offering full-service dental care for people of all ages. We offer family-friendly services, starting with a checkup and cleaning. Additionally, you have access to restorative and cosmetic dentistry to protect and improve the overall appearance of your smile.

For more information, schedule an appointment at one of our nearby locations. Call our office if you need any additional information. We are always just a phone call away.